重要なお知らせ/Important announcement
1.対象商品 全てのボディキット
2.改定時期 2022年7月1日
3.お問い合わせ先 webmaster@veilsidejpn.com
Price Increase Notice
Due to increasing cost of the materials, we have been forced to raise all the body kit price since 1st July 2022.
We are going to be post updated price list over the few days.
We deeply apologize for any inconvenience and burden this price revision may cause to our customers. We will make every effort to further improve our services.
We appreciate your understanding and look forward to your continued patronage.
1.Target products: All the body kit
2.From when?: 1at July 2022
3.Contact: webmaster@veilsidejpn.com