30th Anniversary Campaign Part 3!!
30thAnniversary キャンペーン第3弾‼️
Now we offer 4th 30th Anniversary Campaign!!
1. Fortune7 Complete kit

※RX-7 Fortuneキットに関しましては、2021年7月20日より価格改定となります。
*RX-7 Fortune kit price will be replaced from 20th July, 2021.
3. Z33 Version 3 Complete kit
4. VeilSide 86 Complete kit
5. Z32(300ZX) Wide Complete kit
5. RX-8 D1-GT kit
5. Andrew Forged V wheel
We will be offered one set on each kit and wheel as special price!!
Please contact the email shown below for the detail.
The offer will be ended shortly!
※1 当サイトに掲載されている画像に関しましては、著作権及び個人情報が含まれます。
※2 海外等のオークションサイト(Ebay)にて当社エアロパーツとして偽物が多数販売されているようです。
*1 The image files on our web-site has copy right or include the personal information.
We strictry prohibited to use these images without permission.
*2 There are many fake products of our designs are sold in the international auction web-site specially on Ebay.
Also, there are many supplier sell the fake sticker or emblems are reported.
In the case you purchase the fake products, we can not be guarantee and responsible for the purchase.
Please contact us for the Authorized dealership in your area.